How to Enjoy Your Summer Vacation for Teachers
Summer vacation is upon us! Hot days, barbecues, and all sorts of fun. For those of us who are lucky enough to be teachers, we have officially entered the off-season. While much of the world thinks this is the time of year we teachers frolic in the sunshine, the truth is not quite as glamorous. This is when we spend our time preparing for next year, growing professionally…and maybe spend a little time enjoying the sunshine, too.

1. Go to a restaurant and eat lunch sitting down without a copy machine in sight.
Take your time to peruse the entire menu.
Order an appetizer.
Actually chew your food and taste it.
All of these amazing things are possible now that it is summer. During the school year, lunch is a mad rush! There is no better feeling than sitting down for lunch without having to count every second so you can pick up your students on time.
2. Sleep in…or wake up early and lay in bed enjoying the fact that you don’t HAVE to get up.
If you are like me and have little ones at home, this is impossible.
If not, I beg you!! Please take advantage of a chance to sleep in. Look at the clock when you wake up. Roll over and go back to sleep. That alone is worth its weight in gold.
3. Take a bathroom break without begging someone to watch your class.
I know I didn’t have to tell you this one.
I think this is one of the biggest perks of summer. If there was a bladder holding Olympics, a teacher would surely win.
The good news is no more counting down the minutes before you get a bathroom break…or watching how much water you drink to make sure you don’t need one. Go ahead! Untrain that Olympic-ready bladder! Its summer.
4. Stay up REALLY late without thinking about what that means for tomorrow.
See a concert.
Go to the late movie.
Head out with friends for drinks.
The options are limitless when you’re on summer vacation. Now that you don’t have to be up at 5:00 AM to be out the door in time for the first bell, you can partake in all those great things your friends who start work at 9:00 each day can do all year long. Just don’t get used to it!
5. Take a sick day!
Okay, so no one really wants to be sick on summer break, but if it is going to happen, this is the time.
No writing sub plans for hours or begging a teammate to make your copies because you are pretty sure you are going to fall over any minute. No notes from the sub about student behavior. Just you, a Nyquil, and sweet dreams.
6. Catch up on reading during summer vacation.
Whether you’re a sucker for a sappy romance or love to read the latest award-winning novels you’re considering for your classroom library, summer is a great time to find a few spare hours to sit and read.

If you’re the type who prefers to use the time to catch up on the newest pedagogy and practice books, here’s a great summer book list for your summer enjoyment.
7. Leisurely work on a few items for back-to-school.
This one is a little less fun for summer vacation…but it can make a HUGE difference in your stress level come August.
Take a few hours one afternoon to work on a few simple beginning of year tasks that you know will be needed for back to school. This way you’ll be able to focus on getting your room ready and prepping for the new school year without the stress of writing your introduction letter or working on these tasks in your limited classroom prep hours.
8. Pick up a side hustle during summer vacation for a few extra bucks!
Summer offers a few short weeks to just relax, but for those of us with major student loans or other expenses, it is also an opportunity to make up for those low salaries.
Door Dash, Uber Eats, and the like offer an easy way to make a few bucks.
Of course, there are a ton of other options out there, but if you’re really a glutton for punishment (or just love teaching year-round) there’s always SUMMER SCHOOL! Half days and extra pay are pretty enticing!
If you decide to go that route, here are a few resources to help you plan.
Happy Summer!