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back to school read alouds

Classroom Community Books: My 26 Favorites for Back to School

The first few weeks of school are overwhelming. There is so much to teach in terms of classroom procedures, classroom community, routines, and expectations! Connecting a read-aloud to these activities can make them more memorable and engaging for students. Using lessons based on books for back-to-school can also help create a bridge between fictional situations…

effective classroom

How to create a more effective classroom this school year

Regardless of where you teach, all of us come back from summer break with a goal of having an effective classroom where students can be successful. We spend hours putting up bulletin boards, moving furniture, and digging into lesson plans. Between professional development and campus meetings, we sneak back to our rooms to get everything…

How to use universal reading screeners to guide next steps for struggling learners

How to use universal reading screeners to guide next steps for struggling learners

Three times a year you get handed a color-coded spreadsheet of universal screening data. Most likely you take a quick glance, confirm those are the kids who appear to be struggling and move on. However, your universal reading screeners data has really useful information. It can help identify where more information is needed and what…