150+ Report Card Remarks for Struggling Learners
How do we pen those notes that not only celebrate the steps forward but also gently guide them on where and how to support their child’s journey? The reality is many parents don’t realize the extent to which their child has fallen behind. We need to make it clear, in a kind way, in our report card remarks.

Drafting report card remarks for our struggling learners – it’s a real art form, isn’t it? How do we frame our words so they’re encouraging yet honest for the parents, showing them the progress and potential we see?
In this post, I’ll share 150 thoughtfully crafted report card comments aimed at doing this. These are the insights that can make a difference to their parents and, most importantly, to our students. Let’s make those report cards a tool for positive change and growth!
Crafting Effective Report Card Comments and Remarks for Struggling Learners: A 3-Step Plan
When writing report card comments for struggling learners, it is essential to provide feedback that is both supportive and constructive. By starting with positive affirmations, identifying areas for improvement, and offering solutions and next steps, we can help these students feel encouraged and motivated to continue their educational journey.
1. Start with the Positive
When writing report card comments and remarks for our struggling learners, it’s key to first spotlight their strengths and progress. We’re speaking to their parents, highlighting achievements and positive traits. This boosts confidence and reassures families of their growth. For example:
- Kashawn is such a hardworking learner. He is eager to participate in lessons and consistently asks questions when he is confused in class.
- Jenn’s is such a kind-hearted classmate. She is the first to offer help when a peer is having a difficult time, and she is always willing to lend a hand in class.
- Kyam consistently demonstrates creativity and critical thinking skills. She inspires her classmates to do the same.
2. Identify Areas for Improvement
After acknowledging the positive aspects, it’s important to identify specific areas where the struggling learner can improve. Be specific and provide constructive feedback that focuses on their academic performance or behavior. This will help them understand where they can grow and develop. For instance:
- Jeremiah’s difficulty recalling his multiplication facts makes it word problems time consuming, as he is spending a great deal of mental energy on working out these basic facts rather than problem solving.
- Sara’s narratives are often a series of steps rather than a well-developed story with sensory details told to engage the reader.
- Mark continues to need frequent reminders to complete and turn in work.
3. Offer Solutions/Next Steps
Wrap up comments with solutions and next steps. Offer guidance and resources to tackle challenges along with a statement of encouragement or a positive comment about how you know the student can meet this next challenge. This empowers students and parents to act. Examples include:
- Consider having John practice math facts for 10 minutes a night using one of the online fact games shared on my website. He’s made such great progress this year, and I know it won’t be long before he’s got all his facts mastered.
- Kia may benefit from continuing to use the three-lined paper and a popsicle stick like we’ve been using in class when she’s writing at home to help her with letter sizing and formation. She really seems to do well with these visual reminders for spacing and sizing.
- As you consider plans for next year, simple planner might be useful for helping Jae track his assignments. He’s done well when I write the schedule on the board, and this tool may be a great way to help him feel confident as he transitions to middle school.
Starting report card remarks with positive notes, pinpointing improvement areas, and suggesting actionable steps gives struggling learners feedback that nurtures their growth.
Our aim? To inspire and encourage them to keep pushing forward.
Fill & Use Report Card Remarks for Struggling Learners
To support struggling students’ progress, it is essential to provide them with effective report card feedback. By acknowledging their effort and resilience, guiding them toward academic resources, and offering feedback aimed at improving their independent work skills and teamwork abilities, we can help these students overcome challenges and achieve success.
Report Card Remarks for Academics
Strength or Improvement Shown
When students make gains in academics, their grades may reflect this in big ways or small ways. However, our report card remarks can give a greater insight into this progress. This is a huge way we can celebrate and document the progress our students make.
Here are some report card remarks for struggling students who have shown improvement in academics:
- _____ has made strides across the board, showing impressive progress in all subjects.
- _____ has noticeably sharpened their skills in ___. Keep up the great work!
- Such a leap in _____ for _____! Their improvement has been remarkable.
- Over the course, _____ has expanded their understanding significantly, especially in ___.
- I’ve watched _____ make solid, consistent strides in ___. Their dedication is commendable.
- _____ really buckled down to boost their grade in ___. Their hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed.
- Seeing _____’s growth in ___ has been a highlight. Let’s keep encouraging them to stick with it.
- _____ is doing well in ___, and adding ___ to their routine could amplify their success.
- _____ is showing real maturity and growth in ___ this term. It’s a joy to see.
- The leap in quality in _____’s work this semester is clear. They’re truly upping their game.
- _____ is on a good path in ___. A little nudge to keep going with ___ could work wonders.
- The effort _____ has put into improving their math skills is paying off. They’ve overcome many challenges in ___.
- _____ has evolved into a more confident speaker in ___. Their contributions are now a class highlight.
- _____ has significantly improved in comprehension skills, particularly in reading (insert genre or type of text). Their progress is noteworthy.
- _____ has made substantial strides in writing, crafting significantly more (describe improvement) writing pieces this semester.
- _____ has honed their problem-solving abilities in ___, approaching complex problems with newfound confidence.
Improvement Needed
Despite our efforts, some learners may still be struggling at the end of each quarter or semester. When we’re writing report card remarks, it is important to document that continued improvement is needed.
This is especially true since grades may not reflect the student’s performance without accommodations, meaning parents don’t always get the true picture of how a student is doing without some clearly stated comments along with some documentation of Tier 1 differentiation.
Here are a few examples of comments you might use in your report card remarks for students who need academic improvement:
- _____ needs repeated practice to better remember ___ concepts.
- _____ finds tests in ___ tough. Dedicating more study time could improve their scores.
- _____ is developing a better grasp of ___, but could really use extra practice with ___.
- _____ has the potential to excel in ___, but must commit to ___ to see improvement.
- _____ occasionally finds ___ challenging. Regular ___ would support their learning.
- Engaging in ___ could help _____ solidify their understanding of basic math facts.
- Please encourage _____ to spend some time each day on ___, to enhance their skills in ___.
- Continue working on _______, as _____understands when using manipulatives, but is having a difficult time without them.
- I’d like _____ to give more attention to ___ to help him/her reach the next level in their learning.
- Focusing on ___ could really help _____ make progress in ___ this quarter.
- This semester, improving in ___ should be a focus for _____.
- _____ seems to struggle with ___, and could benefit from extra practice in ___ to build confidence.
- Mastering basic math facts would enable _____ to tackle more complex problems in ___ more smoothly
- _____ is bright but often rushes through work, leading to careless mistakes in ___. Encouraging them to take their time could boost their accuracy.
- Despite extra support, _____ still finds ___ challenging. Continued practice in ___ could help.
- _____ hesitates to seek help with ___. Encouraging ____ to ask questions and participate in class can help foster better understanding.
- Maintaining grade-level expectations in ___ is tough for _____. Let’s connect to create a plan for ______’s success.
- _____ shines in many areas but needs to work on ___ for balanced skills.
- Concentrating on ___ daily could greatly benefit _____ in the upcoming quarter.
- It would aid _____ greatly to memorize basic ___ facts for a stronger foundation in math.
Classroom Behavior & Peer Relationships
Strength or Improvement Shown
We’ve all had those students who may be struggling learners, but they are an absolute joy to teach because they are so hard-working and just all-around amazing people. Being sure to document their awesomeness in their report cards is crucial because, over time, many of these struggling learners can become overwhelmed by their difficulties and begin to disconnect from school. Finding ways to help them and their parents recognize their strengths is critical.
Here are a few great comments for those learners with amazing behavior and work habits who need some extra academic support:
- _____ really puts in the effort, and it shows. Always a pleasure to have in class.
- ____ follows the rules and sets a great example. Really proud of them.
- Love _____’s positive attitude; they make teaching rewarding.
- _____ stays on task, no matter what. They’re incredibly focused.
- _____’s enthusiasm for school lights up our room. Such a joy.”
- _____ gets straight to work and understands instructions well. Very impressive.
- Always ready to help, _____ has a fantastic attitude.
- _____ takes on leadership roles naturally. They’re a big help in class.
- So polite to everyone, _____ makes our class a nicer place.
- _____ is super responsible with assignments. Really sets the bar high.
- _____ comes to class ready and eager to learn every day.
- _____ works well on their own, always diving into more learning.
- Staying focused comes naturally to _____, even when working alone.
- _____ uses every minute of class wisely. They’re very engaged.
- _____’s curiosity and love for learning add so much to our class.
- Respectful and attentive during work time, _____ is a model student.
- _____ sets and meets their goals. Their hard work really pays off.
- You can always count on _____ to be reliable and conscientious.
- _____ has shown real improvement, especially with their ___ in class.
- The dedication _____ shows is inspiring. They take their work seriously.
- _____ is respectful and kind, a valued member of our class.
- When things get tough, _____ keeps pushing. Very resilient.
- _____ actively adds to our lessons. Their insights are invaluable.
- _____ shares thoughtful information that enriches our discussions.
- Active in discussions and group work, _____ really stands out.
- _____ listens and engages fully in class activities. Great participation.
- _____’s effort in ___ is outstanding. They really go the extra mile.
Improvement Needed
- _____ could benefit from raising their hand more often to share their thoughts.
- Participation in group work could be improved; _____ often holds back..
- Listening attentively to instructions can be improved for _____ to ensure clarity.
- Respecting classroom rules consistently is something _____ needs to work on.
- _____ has room to grow in managing their speaking turns during discussions.
- Engagement in class activities varies; _____ can benefit from consistent participation.
- Improving patience and waiting for turns in activities would benefit _____.
- _____ occasionally distracts others. Learning to maintain focus would help.
- Timeliness in arriving to class is an area where _____ could improve.
- _____ sometimes speaks out of turn, which disrupts the class flow.
- A more positive attitude towards challenging tasks is an area for _____ to develop.
- _____ could improve in following through on tasks without reminders.
- Working independently is challenging for _____. Building self-reliance is key.
- _____ should work on enhancing their collaboration skills in group projects.
- Building confidence in sharing ideas aloud is a next step for _____.
- _____ would benefit from practicing active listening during lessons.
- Sticking to the rules is a bit tough for _____. Aiming for more quiet time and staying put would really help.
- Showing a bit more kindness and consideration could really enhance _____’s interactions and friendships.
- Taking turns and collaborating smoothly with peers is an area for _____ to work on for a better class attitude.
- This term, I’m hoping _____ can work on improving their ___.
- Raising their hand before speaking is something _____ should focus on to enhance classroom discussions.
- _____ could use a boost in their ability to listen attentively in class.
- _____ shines in many ways but staying dialed in on ___ needs a bit more effort.
- I’d love for _____ to really focus on ___ this trimester. It could make a big difference.
- If _____ could give a bit more attention to ___, their understanding would grow even more.
- _____ gets the work done, but adding a dash of respect and cooperation with peers would be great.
- Following the broader school rules during breaks is a growth area for _____.
- _____ has a great circle of friends, yet balancing social time and focus time is a challenge.
- While _____ is a social butterfly, it’s key they learn the time and place for chats to keep everyone on track.
- Developing a more positive approach to feedback is crucial for _____.
- Taking responsibility for their learning is an important step forward for _____.
- _____ needs to work on maintaining a calm demeanor in challenging situations.
- _____ should aim to contribute more regularly to class discussions.
- Developing stronger relationships with peers could help _____ in collaborative tasks.
- _____ needs to improve on transitioning smoothly between classroom activities.
Strength or Improvement Shown
- ___ consistently puts in the effort, shining even in tough subjects.
- Pride in work shines through when ___ buckles down and gives it their all.
- ___ is on their way to understanding the value of paying attention and following directions closely.
- ___’s enthusiasm for discovery is evident, pushing through even the tough topics.
- ___’s resilience, especially when challenged, inspires everyone around them.
- When ___ focuses, they can tackle any task set before them.
- Seeing ___ step up and try new things in class is truly rewarding.
- A nudge from teachers has sparked a more positive outlook in ___ towards their assignments.
- Despite occasional setbacks, ___’s resolve is commendable and motivating to their classmates.
- ___ is eager to learn and doesn’t shy away from challenges, diving into difficult tasks with gusto.
- ___ sets an admirable example, persisting through difficulties without losing heart.
- The focus and effort ___ puts into tasks when they’re engaged is a sight to see.
- It’s heartening to watch ___ grow more confident and willing to take on new challenges.
- ___ is gradually finding their stride in balancing assistance and independent effort.
- ___ has a genuine thirst for knowledge, evident in their willingness to tackle any challenge.
- With just a bit of encouragement, ___ has started to see the value in applying themselves fully.
- ___’s determination, even in the face of complex work, sets a powerful example for peers.
Improvement Needed
- Encouraging ___ to stay diligent with their studies will boost their learning.
- A stronger effort from ___ could really turn their grades around.
- __ often looks for help before trying independently. A bit more self-reliance could benefit them.
- ___ could achieve so much more with increased motivation towards their studies.
- A boost in effort would greatly enhance ___’s learning and academic performance.
- ___ shows potential but often hesitates to fully engage with the material.
- Increased initiative from ___ in tackling assignments would lead to marked improvements.
- ___’s reluctance to participate actively in class discussions is limiting their learning opportunities.
- While ___ has moments of engagement, consistent effort is needed for sustained progress.
- ___ would benefit from a more proactive approach to their schoolwork and responsibilities.
- Encouraging ___ to find personal relevance in the material may spark their interest and effort.
- ___ often waits for guidance rather than seeking out challenges; fostering independence could boost their motivation.
- ___’s effort tends to fluctuate, affecting their overall achievement. A steady commitment could unlock their full potential.
Focus/Work Habits
Strength or Improvement Shown
- ___ has shown remarkable improvement in staying focused during lessons.
- It’s been impressive to see ___ develop stronger on-task behaviors this term.
- ___’s ability to concentrate for longer periods has greatly improved their work quality.
- I’ve noticed a significant boost in ___’s dedication to maintaining good work habits.
- ___ has made strides in managing distractions, resulting in more consistently completing work during class time available.
- The progress ___ has made in organizing their work and time management is commendable.
- ___’s focused participation in class discussions has enhanced our learning environment.
- ___ has really stepped up their game in following directions and completing tasks efficiently.
- The effort ___ puts into staying engaged and on task is truly making a difference in their learning.
- ___ has become more adept at prioritizing their work, leading to the timely completion of assignments.
- Seeing ___’s transformation into a student who can focus deeply on their studies has been rewarding.
- ___ has improved in listening attentively and applying instructions to their work.
- ___ is now more consistent in staying on task, even during challenging activities.
- The increase in ___’s self-discipline around study habits has been a positive change.
- ___’s newly developed patience and persistence with difficult tasks are paying off.
- I’m proud of ___ for their improvement in working quietly and respecting the learning space of others.
- ___’s enhanced focus during independent work times has led to a higher quality of assignments.
- ___ has shown a notable increase in their ability to work independently without immediate supervision.
- The growth in ___’s attention to detail in their work reflects their enhanced focus.
- ___ has made commendable progress in their ability to stay focused and avoid distractions.
- ___ has made noticeable progress in staying dedicated to classwork without easily getting distracted.
- A structured approach to tackling assignments could significantly improve ___’s focus during classwork.
- ___ has shown improvement in their work habits by staying more engaged with classwork.
- ___ excels at maintaining focus during lessons, absorbing information effectively.
- I’m proud of ___ for their improvement in working quietly and respecting the learning space of others.
Improvement Needed
- ___ sometimes drifts off during instruction; strategies for staying engaged could greatly assist them.
- Encouraging ___ to ask questions during lessons could foster a more active and focused learning stance.
- Organizational skills are an area for growth; ___ sometimes misplaces work.
- Increasing attention during lessons would help ___ grasp concepts more fully.
- Working on timely homework submission is a next step for ___ .
- _ would benefit from practicing active listening during lessons.
- Managing time effectively during class work is an area where _ could grow.
- _ has the smarts but sometimes gets sidetracked. A bit more focus would really show their true abilities.
- While __ does well in several subjects, it’s clear that distractions and a bit of daydreaming have impacted their performance in .
- ___ tends to rush through assignments. Slowing down would enhance accuracy.
- Listening attentively to instructions can be improved for ___ to ensure clarity.
- ___ could enhance their learning by staying more focused during class assignments.
- Staying on-task during classwork is an area where ___ has room for improvement.
- ___ occasionally drifts off during assignments, missing key learning moments.
- Finding quiet focus is a hurdle for _. Zeroing in on their own work would boost their learning and that of classmates, too.
- Paying close attention and following through with instructions is something _ can improve on.
- For ___ to fully grasp the material, increasing their concentration on classwork is essential.
- ___’s tendency to become easily distracted during tasks is an area for growth.
- Focusing on completing assignments without sidetracking would greatly benefit ___.
- ___ needs to develop strategies to maintain attention throughout the entire class period.
- Improving engagement with classwork will help ___ achieve their academic potential.
- ___ would benefit from minimizing distractions to maintain better focus on assignments.
- A consistent effort to stay on task would improve ___’s performance in class assignments.
- ___ needs to work on not letting their attention wander during critical work times.
- Encouraging ___ to prioritize their classwork will help them stay more focused.
- ___ should aim to enhance their work habits by staying focused from start to finish on tasks.
- Developing a more disciplined approach to class assignments is necessary for ___.
- For better outcomes, ___ needs to apply themselves fully and avoid off-task behavior.
- _____’s bright and capable. If they could just keep their focus in class and follow the lead, they’d soar.
- Remembering to stick with tasks and not drift off is something _____ needs gentle nudges for.
- Working on timely homework submission is a next step for _____.
Supporting Struggling Students’ Progress Through Report Card Remarks
Giving tailored feedback to families of struggling learners is key to helping them grow. In this post, I’ve shared both my favorite strategy for writing comments and some ready-to-use comments that can adjust for your own learners.
In the end, the comments we write on report cards are a powerful tool for helping students who are struggling or reluctant learners. By acknowledging their efforts, guiding their families to helpful resources, and giving feedback that helps them identify the next steps, we can support parents as they continue to help their learners face and overcome challenges.