30+ Awesome Online Games for Math Fact Practice
Being proficient with mathematical calculations is essential to success in higher-level math classes. Math fact games are a great way to help students practice their math facts without the boring drill and kill.
Math fact games are engaging and enjoyable. Online games offer the added benefit of immediate feedback to prevent students from practicing facts incorrectly. Today I wanted to share my favorite websites for digital math fact practice.

Computational Fluency Games – All Operations
Depending on what grade you teach, you may have students who need practice in multiple operations. This can mean scrambling to find different resources to fit the needs of your students.

These websites have free games and activities that cover all four operations.
- Xtramath.org – timed drills with data tracking for teachers
- Math Fact Drill – allows you to select operation & difficulty level
- SplashLearn Math Facts – select the number of questions and timed vs. untimed
- Rocket Math – Free Trial (60 days)
- Math Facts Pro – the Lite Version is Free (but doesn’t track data)
- Reflex Math – Free Trial (60 days)
- Math Magician – offers fact practice with single & mixed operations
Enter your email below to download a clickable cheat sheet with all the math fact practice sites you see on this page and more!
Addition and Subtraction Math Fact Games
It can be somewhat challenging to find engaging games for upper elementary students working on mastering addition and subtraction. Many of these addition and subtraction fact games have themes more suited for younger students, but this list offers you some options to keep learners who are struggling with basic facts engaged and learning.

These are my favorite upper elementary appropriate online games for practicing addition and subtraction facts.
Addition Fact Practice
Subtraction Fact Practice
Multiplication and Division Math Fact Games
Beginning in third grade, students are expected to begin recalling basic multiplication and division facts. As they enter fourth and fifth grade, these should be mastered, meaning students can fluently recall the facts and their answers.

Here are my favorite games to allow students to practice their multiplication and division facts.
Multiplication Fact Practice
Download the Mathematics Fact Game Cheat Sheet

Math fact fluency is essential for student success. These games are designed to help your learner achieve this milestone more quickly and without the boring drill-and-kill methods often used for struggling learners.
Do you want to keep track of all these great math fact games without visiting this post repeatedly?
Grab the downloadable version to share with parents or keep it as a reminder when you are looking for educational games for your math students. You’ll have no trouble getting students where they need to go with clickable links!